Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Is Your Advertising Working? - from a South African Perspective

How do you know your advertising is working for you, do you know exactly who is buying your products or services. Many companies and businessmen even those who are making a reasonable living have no idea where their income is generated from.

Keeping good records of customers will help to expand your marketing ventures. Where they are buying, how did they get to know about your products or services these are questions you need to be asking yourself.

Placing adverts in a magazine is no guarantee that sale will come rolling in. If you are butcher and you supply special exotic cuts of meat and you are advertising in a butchers magazine you are still not guaranteed the sales will happen. This magazine might have a lower income audience so your $200 steaks are definitely not going to hit the tables.

A simple market survey to identify where your customers are coming from will ensure your advertising dollars are spent in the right places. If contacted by a customer ask him: how, where, when and obvious questions related to your products or services.

Trying to create the right marketing mix is a constant battle especially if you are starting a business. Where to advertise and what guarantees do you have that your magazine advert will work. For starters find a magazine that relates to your services or products, this is a start. The next step is to contact that publication and find out what bracket their readership falls into. Other than this without a track record of advertising in that particular publication you will have know idea if its the publication best suited for your needs.

Your customers are your best form of advertising without them you are nowhere. It is vital to know everything about him/her, attach a simple questionnaire to your products and make sure your employees sell solutions to your customers.

Another tip in closing about placing an advertisment, always make sure your advertisment is placed on the far right of the right hand page. Natural reading patterns are from left to right so the eyes tend to come to rest in this position. You are paying for this advert so stress this to the publication, i am sure they can accommodate you in this regard.

Andrew Smit - where you will find Global solutions and ideas. Turtle Herb Estate Holdings consists of 3 forward thinking entrepreneurs with expertise in marketing & DTP advertising, farming culinary and medicinal herbs, web design and online marketing, horse breeding (sport horses),we embrace a holistic approach to entrepreneurship.Vanessa Blog46343
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