Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It Must Be Me, She Said

In the last 15 years of working with women in direct sales and network marketing, I've met thousands of them who decided to sell a product or service because they love it. Yet they struggle with their little business, and often it's been a long struggle over many years. Most tell me how a health supplement or a new service has changed their lives forever, and they cannot fathom why everyone isn't falling over themselves to buy it, if not sell it too. Lamentations abound:

"I didn't expect the reactions I got from people I knew. I was shocked and flabbergasted."

"Boy, it's not as easy as they said it would ge. they said the product would sell itself. I believed them because I bought it right away myself..."

Then they end up asking me, "What am I doing wrong?" "Is it me?" And they quit in droves.

But what if it's not you?

In the business of sales pitches, most everyone knows that experienced consumers turn a jaded ear. Not because they think the sales people are lying per se, but because whatever they say - well - we all know they stand to gain if we buy. So of course, reason goes, they'll say about anything to make the sale.

In the business of direct sales, the big focus many companies have is to find new sales people. So they'll say about anything to entice them to sign up and start selling and recruiting new sales people. One of those pitches is:

"It's easy, anyone can do it."

This sounds good to a woman with little or no business experience. Sounds good to men with little experience in business, too. Sometimes even otherwise smart people fall for that pitch for a while. Countless people are attracted, particularly those who actually need something "easy" and fast, that anyone can do. However, this promise is an illusion. The huge drop out rate tells the story: If it is so "easy" and "anyone can do it", why does the industry have a 93%+ drop out rate? What part of "easy" did they not understand?

My women customers in direct sales and network marketing tell me they have themselves repeated this promise to others, because that's what they heard from the trainers and "leaders" in front of the room and anyway, they didn't know what else to say. The ladies who came to me just figured, like so many women do, "It must be me."

It didn't occur to these gals that those in front of the room might be adding some spin to their success - like not bothering to tell that when they came to their new venture, that they brought experienced people with them that speeded up their success. Like a buyer who transfers from Macy's to Nordstoms and brings major clients with them. Wouldn't they go faster and make bigger sales than a brand new buyer? Same in real estate.

Doesn't someone who comes from an experienced background do better faster than a new person? Of course, no one tells these little secrets. They just stand up there all surprised looking and mumble "Can you imagine I did it this fast?" stories. And of course, people sitting there listening for the first time figure, well, if that guy can do it, so can I. And they sign up, buy some stuff and get going. That's the picture everyone sees from the outside.

But the women who've been struggling for months to make even $100 figure, "It must be me."

What if it's not you?

What if there are things they aren't telling you straight?

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog58487
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