Wednesday, January 23, 2008


How To Harness The Power Of Email For Marketing Success

Spammers have done their best to give email marketing a bad name. However, email is such an all pervasive communication tool that its use as an extremely effective means of building customer relationships and selling products and services remains un-dented. Imagine trying to run your business today without access to email it would be impossible. In fact, surveys have found that the vast majority of internet users site email as their primary reason for using the internet, despite the spammers best efforts.

While were on the subject of spam, heres a quick word to the wise, dont do it!

Its a really effective way of upsetting future clients and associating your company, products and services with dodgy Viagra, porn and scam artists. Most importantly, spam doesnt work. Its as simple as that.

However, opt-in email marketing is exploding because it does work. Companies are lured to it by incredibly low costs and high response rates. Its easy to get started and it puts any organisation, large or small, on a level playing field.

Of course, theres a right way and a wrong way to do anything and the vast majority of email marketers are getting it wrong. The industry is young and those who are doing well are not falling over themselves to share the secrets of their email marketing success with competitors. But there is some good news. Unlike conventional direct marketing pieces, email marketing is both cheap and easy to test and the results can be comparatively easy to collate and analyse.

If thats the case then why do so many of the marketing emails that I receive get just about everything wrong? And why dont the senders ever seem to learn from their mistakes?

Learn from your mistakes

The advantage that email marketing has over pretty much any other type of marketing is its trackability. Instant, live results from your marketing campaign were a marketers dream just a few, short years ago. Now they are a reality but not everyone is taking advantage.

Emailing your database from Outlook or using bulk email sending software is usually a waste of time for both you and the recipient. The main reason being that you get little or no feedback, unless a recipient chooses to email you back. True, you can set up a read receipt in Outlook but that only tells you a very small part of the story. Imagine if you could tell, at a glance, who isnt interested in your services and really doesnt want to hear from you again (dont waste any more of your valuable time on them). Or who opened your email and read it repeatedly (wow, those people must really be interested!) Better still, imagine if they clicked directly through to your website and you knew what link they clicked on (you would know exactly what interested them). Useful stuff like that!

Fortunately all that information is really easy to obtain if you use a good email marketing tool like rather than Outlook. There might be a learning curve of a few days but its worth it to make your emails 100% more effective, right?

With this kind of marketing intelligence you can really start to harness the power of email, because email can give you something special instant, live, two-way communication from every address you deliver to. Thats right, every single one. Even emails that bounce back tell you something its likely those addresses are dead and you need to update your database. If you are getting 20% opens and only 22% reads then you know something about your email isnt connecting with your recipients. If it was, they would be reopening the email to re-read it or show it to the boss, so you would be getting a much higher percentage of reads to opens.

With this kind of in-depth information you can begin to learn from what you are getting right and what you are getting wrong. You can begin to mould your campaigns and target your messages. Improve your response rates and follow up on click throughs. In essence, learn from your mistakes and find out what works for you.

To start you on the right track. Here are 5 tried and tested ways of improving the effectiveness of your emails.

1. Keep your subject lines short and to the point. Longer than 40 characters and theyll be cut off by many email clients. Dont use words like OFFER or FREE or exclamation marks for emphasis!!! Youll be relegated to the spam folder.

2. Keep it simple stupid. Dont make your emails too long or try to cram in to many offers. Youve got a second or so to grab your readers attention so keep it concise.

3. Let your readers know what to do next. Put a clear call to action on your email. A link to your website or your telephone number, big and bold.

4. Make it time limited. Putting a deadline on your email has been proven to increase response rates. Make it clear to your recipients that if they snooze they loose!

5. Time it right. Dont send your email at 10oclock on a Monday morning when everyone is manic. Its going to get deleted. Timing is everything so choose a time of day when your recipient will be more receptive.

Pay close attention to just these five rules and I guarantee you will improve your response rates. Good luck and remember the power of email marketing. Customer knowledge!

Anthony Braide is Managing Director of Gencia Media Ltd, makers of Blog2080
Farica Blog22424


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