Thursday, January 24, 2008


Internet Marketing and the Golfer Mentality

As a qualified PGA golf professional who taught golf for 15 years before injury and moved into Internet Marketing as a career, I was amazed to see the striking similarities between the approaches of people to two significantly different activities. I now focus on teaching IM and apply very similar principles to my Internet Marketing clients as I used to my golf students.

The hunger of people for quick fix solutions has always been something that has intrigued me. I look at society and see successful people and admire the work that has gone into them achieving their goals, no matter what field they are in. The top Doctor's and Lawyers of any age have spent years learning their trade. Sportsmen such as Tiger Woods work at incredibly high level on their sport to stay at the top. Celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, achieve their status through incredible application and work ethics.

It is clear that a high percentage of society look at these people and want similar lifestyles but without an idea of the work involved to see the finished product that we see in our operating theatres, sports arenas, courtrooms and tv screens. The two fields I work in are no different.

Both golf and Internet Marketing allow for the quick fix mindset to take over and ruin our hopes of improvement. both industries are susceptible to sensationalist headlines, designed to draw in consumers.

In Golf, magazines will boast headlines such as "Break 80 in 7 days" or "Hit it 40 yards longer with Tigers method" Equipment manufacturers will boast that their ball, clubs even golf shoes will have you hitting the ball longer and straighter than ever before.

In Internet Marketing similar headlines would be "Earn $20,000 a month in just two hours a day at your PC" or "Warning: You're about to discover the affiliate secrets that the gurus have been keeping from you. The methods the real super affiliates use to make $500 per day, finally revealed by the one guy they trusted to keep quiet" as one particular ebook sales page boasted. The writers of the copy know exactly what buttons to press and which mindset they are tapping into.

The "desperation" mindset, "the easy life" mindset and the "all I have to do is buy the product/magazine/ebook and I am set for life" mindset.

As anyone following this route will know it generally ends in disappointment, and then giving up.

How do I know?

When my career in golf was ended with a back injury, I slipped into the desperation mindset, all of a sudden I was panicing where the money would come from. I found the wonderful tool of the internet, and the sensational headlines of instant riches had me reaching for my credit card. $2000 later I had about 50 ebooks, I had read about 10 and had not made a dime.

Every day I had a new Internet Marketing thought that was going to make me rich, then the next ebook arrived and I was away on something new.

Then as I opened a credit card bill, which had 15 internet marketing products on it, the thought dawned on me that I was no different as a newcomer to Internet Marketing and trying to make money online, than the golf students I had taught for years.

Day after day I would stand on the range and listen to golfers tales of woe. They had watched every DVD, read every magazine, listened to the guys on the TV, spent $3000 on the latest equipment, BUT STILL COULD NOT break 100.

I used to spend my first 40 minute session with such customers, not hitting a golf ball, but by clarifying the thought process that led them to believe that a magazine article could instantly improve them, or a new driver would go 50 yards further than the one they used last week. I used to explain that all good golfers had one thing in common, good sound fundamentals, aim, grip , posture etc. A GOOD SET UP, which enabled them to then swing the club correctly, thus executing the intended shot.

I needed to apply the same techniques to my Internet Marketing business. Of course there is no book that will instantly make me rich, I was chasing around like the golfer, who has a new swing thought every day, I had a new IM idea every day.

In golf it is proven that a step by step plan through the set up will lead to a LONG LASTING more consistent technique. I would put my students on a minimum six week course, in which I banned them from reading, books, magazines and watching DVD's. I would give them one element of the SET UP such as AIM and that was there weeks practice. Once they had mastered that element ONLY then would we move onto the next project. What happened? I built a "stable" of successful clients and had a record of players who consistently improved and practiced better.

The process I went through in IM was exactly the same. First I had to visualise my "shot". What was it that I was trying to build, for the LONG TERM. Once that was identified which skills did I need to execute it. There are numerous aspects to the SET UP of a successful Internet Marketing business, from building websites, copy writing, SEO, advertising, product selection, the list is extensive. Each skill needs to be learned, and then applied, learn 5 or 6 skills you have a SET UP. Just like golf you have it for life!

There is a $10,000 dollar a month income to be made, but it will not fall in your lap. To succeed takes work. If you have the golfer mentality in you, try and recognise it, not only will your game improve your life will to.

Next time - Step by Step through the IM set up.

Iain Higgins, is an active member of the Professional Golfers Association who still teaches golf today. His golf coaching was limited by injury so he then applied his techniques of golf coaching to IM. Having made $500,000 in two years he turned to training others in Internet Marketing. In 2005 he took 12 students through his Immentor programme and 10 now earn 5 figure monthly incomes.Eugenia Blog74381
Faye Blog51724

Why Testing & Tracking On The Internet Can Save You Thousands

The key to increasing profits and lowering costs over time is continually testing one advertisement against the other one offer against another one headline against another and so on until you find the best performing piece.

This process is called testing and tracking and is one of the most critical components of marketing because it is a scientific method of discovering which elements of your marketing produce the greatest response.

One of the advantages that marketing on the Internet has over other advertising mediums is the speed of tracking response from marketing tests.

When marketing on the Internet you can track the response of your marketing efforts in real-time. This means that you can quickly gauge the success of the marketing test, implement the next changes immediately, and take it live instantly.

So, not only can you quickly implement new changes, but you can do so cost-effectively because you dont need to spend thousands of dollars to see the results of a test.

Then, when youve found the highest performing offer, sales piece or headline, you can roll it out offline, in magazines, newspapers and any other mediums.

By testing and tracking on the Internet first you ensure you get the highest return on investment for the lowest possible cost.

Alex Cleanthous runs a full service online marketing agency helping businesses generate profits from the Internet. For a free report on The 6 Critical Steps To Generating Profits Online visit Blog50130
Vikky Blog10103

Alternative Way to Create Your Own Home Based Business Online Ideas for Making Huge Money Online!

Great online business ideas can lead you to highly profitable online business overnight! Now, I am going to give you an alternative way to create your own home based business online ideas for making huge money online from home. I highly encourage you to generate workable and realistic online business ideas for your success in the future. Youll discover how to create your own latest home based business ideas in this article.

Are you tired of creating your own business ideas for your home based business online? Youll discover how to explode your online business ideas alternatively here.

READ THIS: If you are looking an alternative workable way to generate your online business ideas.

Within this article today on creating home based business online ideas, we will be giving you a few different websites to get yourself thinking. When you are thinking about and creating home based business online ideas, the best ideas can come from observations that you make through your knowledge of the subject. Taking the time to read and remain current with online marketing and business trends will end up paying great dividends for you if you can use this information to your benefit.

The next website that we would like you to visit to help in creating home base business online ideas for you is This website is very valuable because it has many different quality products that are ready for sell so you can see what the current trends are as far as top sellers, etc. This will go in line with what you will learn in the second paragraph because you'll want to see if you can improve potentially on current products that are being offered.

Additionally, the next website that I would like you to visit to help in creating home base business online ideas for you is This website has many different affiliate programs which you can join and promote or it can give you some ideas as to how you could change potential programs. If you take your time and look through how these programs are marketed, you may be able to see where you can make a change and offer a better product. Much of the improvement that comes through business on the Internet as well as off-line come in the form of improvements on current products. This is what you would be doing if you look at these affiliate programs. See where you could potentially improve what they have to offer. Take their program and offer it with a twist.

Additionally, the last websites you should visit for your make money business opportunities on the internet are: and You will discover wealthy of informative website about how to earn big money online from home with your home based internet marketing business and affiliate marketing business. Those places are ultimately sites on the internet you should visit if you are looking for an alternative to make big money online at home.

I am sure that those above websites have helped you in looking for ideas to improve on. To get new ideas to develop on the Internet you will have to take the approach of traditional business. You must study the marketplace and then create a product that fills in the current need. If you just create a product because you think it is cool, which is not necessarily going to lead to success for you. You need to see where someone has a need that you can fill and if you can do this, you will have great sales. See what your competition is doing to solve needs and do this just a little bit better. Also see what types of customers would shop online at your particular store and also see the culture of these people. By taking the time to see what your competitors offer as well what people who visit your site are looking for, you are putting yourself in a great position to be able to full-fill their needs. This will lead you to being able to create home based business online ideas almost at will. Ideas are most powerful when they are backed by research because there is a solid basis for their success in the future.

Finally, the key factors for your highly profitable home based business online are to generate great business ideas and do an effective research in the marketplace. Personally, I strongly believe that learning from the RIGHT success internet entrepreneurs is the shortcut way for the success in home based business online. I always believe that Dont reinvent the wheel". Reinventing the wheel wastes a TON of your time. Youll save a lot of time and money for building your highly profitable successful home based online business.

Read more great articles about how to make big money online from home at: and

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.Erika Blog31274
Valry Blog42580

Direct Marketing Ad: Nine Ways To Effectively Advertise Your Business In Magazines

Have you ever spent hundreds or thousands of dollars placing an ad in a magazine and not have a good response? Have you been confused as to why your ad did not work like you had hoped?

Here are 9 basic tips for advertising your business in magazines.

1. Color ads are generally more effective than black/white ads. The exception is, if the page you are advertising is in color and your ad is black/white. The black/white ad can even be more profitable if it is done well.

2. A full page ad is often thought to do better. Again there can be exceptions to the rule. If you have a black/white ad against color ads, you can have the ad smaller and generate more response. Or, if your ad is placed in a more opportune location in the magazine.

3. The most effective placements in a magazine are the following: First the back cover of the magazine, second, is the inside front two pages. Third, the inside back two pages. Also good placements for ads are on the outside of each page. As people browse through, they will see those ads before they see ads closer to the center.

4. Ads that are placed with wording around them are ideal. The reason being that while people are reading they will glance more than once at the ad. It gives you more exposure time. Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture someone's attention.

5. The ad itself needs to be neat and eye catching. If there is too much verbiage, you have lost potential business. Most people are visual and will not take the time to read a lengthy ad. Make sure to get your point across with a picture (or pictures) and words.

6. Bullet Point your ideas. Keep them brief and to the point. Take time to think about your company. Make a list of the most important things your company offers. What are you most passionate about? Translate those ideas to your ad.

7. Make sure phrases, words, prices, phone numbers, etc., are eye catching. Use various fonts, sizes of fonts, bold, italic, etc., to draw attention to different points. If the font in the ad is the same, it will blend in and important information will be lost.

8. It is critical when placing an ad, to choose a magazine that hits your target market. If you sell health products, advertise in a chiropractic magazine. If you have a home based business, advertise in a home based business magazine or entrepreneur magazine.

9. Get statistics from the company. Number of circulation, areas of circulation, how the magazine is distributed, etc.

I am convinced that you can have effective advertising if you use these guidelines. The goal is to keep advertising costs to a minimum and still receive the response you are looking for. Statics show that people will look at an ad up to seven times before responding. Be patient, your phone may or may not start ringing off the hook. However, if you have done everything right you will receive good business from your advertising.

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit Blog24952
Filia Blog84655

Minister Launches Consultation on Simplifying Immigration Law


Liam Byrne, Minister for Immigration, citizenship and Nationality has launched a consultation paper on simplifying immigration and citizenship law. The aim of this initial consultation paper is to seek a range of views to inform a fundamental overhaul of the legal framework within which the Border and Immigration Agency operates.

Over recent months the Border and Immigration Agency has outlined plans to reform the immigration system. The object of this paper is to begin the process of simplifying the body of different immigration laws built up over the last few decades.

The new legal framework will be important to the transformation of the Border and Immigration Agency, and to the achievement of its strategic objectives.

The consultation paper is available on the Border and Immigration Agencys website.

If you should have any questions on working or studying in the UK email Charles Kelly

HOW 2 COME TO THE UK to Live Work Study or Visit by Charles Kelly & Cynthia Barker 2005 ISBN 0-9546338-3-0.
Available from National Bookstore, PowerBooks, Fully Booked and our website.

Immigration Matters

Charles Kelly is a registered Immigration Adviser and Co Author of How 2 Come to the UK to Live Work Study or Visit.Vicki Blog95429
Vinni Blog95587

Get FREE Advertising!

As a business owner, youre probably inundated with advertising offers and salespeople who want your money to advertise on billboards , radio and television, in newspapers and magazines. These salespeople promise massive exposure and hint at lucrative results and return on your investment. But youre concerned about the risk. A lot of advertising simply wont work for you. The good news is that there is an alternative.

The advertisers have space available and it costs them very little. Thats why theyre trying to sell it. Heres what I did. (I always talk with the Decision Maker, not the salesperson, who only wants a commission). I was approached by a well-known national business magazine to advertise my marketing seminars.

Robin: Tell me honestly: for me to advertise in your magazine, I will need to sign up at least 50 people per seminar, per city. Then I will make a profit and be able to pay for your adverts. I know you cant guarantee anything, but, if you were me, would you go ahead with this advertising?

Magazine: Oh, yes, no question about it, Robin I would write out a check right now.

Robin: What Id like to do is to pay you DOUBLE for this advertisement. Youre being honest with me, right?

Magazine: Of course, but why pay me double what Im asking?

Robin: You place the adverts, people respond to you (so you have full control) and you send me the replies. When they pay and sign up for the seminars, I will pay you $X per sign-up. That way, if I reach the target which you have assured me is a very reasonable expectation, you get paid double. When can we start?

You will have worked out the numbers and calculated how much you could comfortably afford to pay them per sale. They assured you that they would take the advertising investment risk if they were you, so it is logical that they should take the risk themselves. After all, they do mean what they say, dont they?

This is called Contingency Advertising. Pay for results, not promises. Remove the risk let the advertiser take the risk. Naturally, not every advertiser will do this, but its a numbers game. Ask enough advertisers and youll get a few takers. I have done this numerous times. When the ads didnt work, I walked away with free exposure. When they did work, we all did well.

For more than 19 years, Robin J. Elliott has worked with thousands of businesses in over 49 industries across the United States, Canada, and Africa. He specializes in helping small business entrepreneurs build wealth and gain access to new markets and profit centers through Joint Ventures. Through his Joint venture Seminars across North America he has thought thousands how to create increasing, multiple streams of income without cost or risk and very little time.Ernesta Blog34875
Fayre Blog49044

Information Commonly Found On Promotional Items

When it comes to promotional items, there is a limited amount of space for what you get imprinted. When you think of the common promotional items you see, like pens, water bottles and baseball type caps, what you place onto the promotional items needs to remain focused and informative enough to draw customers to your door. Of course, items like notebooks, conference folders and key rings that are often passed out at expos and meetings can have quite a bit more information on them.

Things that you can use to determine what you imprint on your promotional items:

1. What the items are

2. Where you will be distributing these items

3. Who will be picking up these items

A common misconception is that a business can just print anything on items for anyone. This wont be an effective way to advertise. For example, if you are distributing promotional items to a community of retirees who have very little computer experience and the item only has a web address on ityou will get very few new customers! However, distribute something with a phone number on it and your phone may begin to ring off the hook!

Dont think of promotional items as you would newspaper advertising, either. You will never be able to fit that much information on the typical promotional product.

Things that you can consider placing on promotional items:

1. Company name this should be placed on a promotional item first and foremost. Although logos are often well known and can easily be recognized, for a younger business a logo may mean nothing to many people. A company name will be easily located in business phone directories, as well.

2. Company logo if you have a logo, having some kind of graphic on your promotional items to break up the print is often effective and draws the eye.

3. Company phone number or website address here is where you need to determine your audience. With cell phones so common in todays society, a phone number may be the better choice. When the promotional item has the space, you can consider adding both the phone number and the web address. (If you will be attending some kind of technology conference and distributing your promotional products there, you may choose the web address and have just as much success with it.)

4. Company address this takes a lot of space and many promotional gifts just dont have that kind of room. However, on items like bumper stickers, key rings, and conference folders, room is not that much of an issue and an address may draw customers right to your door!

Experiment with different items and different information each time you order promotional products. Find what works well and what doesnt and keep using that information that brings you the most business.

For more information on promotional items, products and gifts check out some of the leading online suppliers today where you can tap into their wealth of experience to ensure that your next marketing campaign is well targeted and sets off on the right footing.

Tina Rinaudo is one of the leading lights in the UK promotional products industry. Tina is a key member of YesGifts, the UK's fastest growing online promotional items resource specialising in promotional pens, mugs, mouse mats, umbrellas, conference items and much more. For more information please visit Blog34282
Vanessa Blog46343

Revenue Flat? Sales Stagnating? Get Inspired and Take Action!

Your sales team is working really hard, chasing every lead, making lots of customer presentations but sales continue to be flat. You cant work any harder, yet revenue isnt growing and you cant seem to get at the real problem. Youre not alone and finding the right answer is feeling maddeningly impossible. And thats because the truth is that there is no one answer.

Solving the problem of flat sales requires taking an honest, hard look at the organization and its management. The answer will usually not be found in the easy excuses: the economy is down; there are new competitors in the market; or, my personal favorite, We need to replace the sales team.

In way too many business situations where sales are flat the answer lies instead in the very definition of flat. According to Websters dictionary there are 19 different definitions of flat and there can be just as many answers to flat sales. Two of those 19 definitions are particularly relevant to this issue:

Having little or no sparkle (or taste)
Having little or no interest

Ask yourself if the sales team, your marketing team and your management team still exhibit the same enthusiasm and energy they did when sales were growing. Has that lack of energy filtered throughout the company and right down to your customers? When you do the tough self examination, do you see:

Tired products or services?
Re-formulated marketing with little real sparkle or energy?
Maxed-out, tired, bored sales reps?
Re-energized competitors?
Customers who no longer turn to you as the industry expert?
Customers who have stopped saying how great and innovative you are?
Uninspired management?

Look first at your products and services. How do they stack up against improvements or advancements in your industry? Do they meet the needs of a marketplace that changes almost overnight or have you merely repackaged old products in an attempt to look current? Get out there and get in touch with the market all over again. Whats the buzz at the conferences, in the industry trade journals? What are your competitors doing that youre not? Are there new features or enhanced services you must add to get that edge back? What are the new trends coming out of the university research centers or business schools?

Once you identify whats tired about your products and where you need to update or reinvent, move to the next stage, re-energizing your marketing efforts. In this case, dont be pennywise and pound foolish by short-changing your marketing and PR budget. If youre going to get back into the game and lead, you need charismatic marketing that will tell people that youre on top, i.e., marketing that convinces customers and prospects once again that the old energy is back! Complacent marketing departments that ignore new design trends, new delivery technology or that just plain dont see the excitement themselves must be re-energized themselves in order to spread new energy to your market.

When your products, services and marketing are tired so are your sales reps. No one can continue to sell lackluster products or services every day without physically leaving the company or intellectually leaving it by going into auto-pilot mode. Sales reps may look like theyre working hard and may still be asking the customer the right needs-analysis questions, but your product may no longer solve that need. Or maybe now its only a partial solution of the need. Despite the old Eskimo-and-ice selling metaphor, no one buys what they dont need. And flat sales can be the first indication that the need for your product is waning.

While your company was snoozing and its life getting sucked out of it, your competitors were likely watching and cheering. While your company became complacent, they got themselves energized, their market redefined and as a result they surely stole business that would have been yours. So watching out for the new kids on the block should never draw your attention from that long-time competitor who may just be gearing up to clean your clock.

How do you begin to put the excitement back into the company? How do you not only become relevant again but essential to your customers? This is in fact the easy part you ask them! If any of the problems described so far apply to your company its because youve lost touch with your customers. Just ask them and theyll tell you what they want. Listen and theyll tell you how to sell to them. Your customers know whats relevant to their needs and how you can reinvent your products to meet those new needs.

Focus every aspect of your company on your customers, from your people to your processes to technology. When you truly communicate with your customers and focus on them, they dont let you become complacent, tired or bored again. Theyll force you to stay nimble and to change with them. Try calling your top 10 customers and the last 10 prospects you didnt close. Ask why they buy from you, why they didnt buy from you and what you should be doing to earn their business in the future. THEN DO IT! Once you institute their recommendations, you then tell your customers or prospects of the roles they played. Thank them for saving your keister!

And finally, give your management team a kick and get them moving again by involving them actively in the process of reconnecting with your customers. Assign each member of the management team three clients to speak to. Prep your managers to ask customers how their respective departments can better serve them. Set up innovation/ brain storming sessions with your management team and all corresponding teams that service your top clients. Go off site, bear your soul, ask for forgiveness for forgetting your customers. Then encourage them to lead you back to relevance!

Shelley F. Hall is Principal of Catalytic Management Consulting (Dedham MA), specializing in business performance and growth consulting. Catalytic's mission is to enhance its clients' profitability by delivering customer-focused solutions for increasing revenue and improving operational efficiencies. Website: Telephone: 781 326-7711.Frederica Blog67452
Vikkie Blog41752

Smart Mortgage Shopping - 3 Steps to Take

Most people wouldn't just purchase the first car they look at, so why would shopping for a mortgage be any different? New would-be homeowners are looking for ways to simply just secure financing that they forget that they are the ones in control of their terms. To help you get the best mortgage deal for your current financial situation and for your future, here are three steps you will want to take.

Before you can take advantage of any of these steps, it will help if you to gain a basic understanding of the mortgage process and terms you might run across as you begin your search. There are a number of helpful books and websites you might want to look into that can help you begin to find your footing in this maze of mortgage-speak.

First of all, you need to look at the lending information from several different lenders. You have a number of options for borrowing money - credit unions, banks, thrift institutions, and mortgage companies. So, with those places in mind, you will want to start asking around for the amount of money that you will want to borrow to see what offers you might get. And while a mortgage broker can do this footwork for you, they will need to be paid for their services, which may not be something you want to pay. However, their services are worth it due to their experience and how many lenders they can access.

The next step in finding a mortgage is to start asking these lending institutions what kinds of terms they can offer you. The most important term that you will come across is the rate of interest. When you are purchasing a home, you will be paying not only money for the house itself, but also for the borrowing of the money - interest. This allows the lender to make money from your transaction as most interest is calculated over the time period and the amount of the loan. Thus, the longer and bigger the loan, the more money they will make. But since you're interested in paying for a home and not the bank, you will want to start looking for the lowest rates you can.

You will find that rates are divided into fixed and adjustable. You will want to make sure that the lenders are up front about how current their latest posted rates are. Note that fixed rates mean that your mortgage payments will not change, while adjustable rates will make your monthly payment vary. In addition to the interest rate, you will want to get a thorough explanation of the points and the APR associated with the lender to get a comprehensive idea of what a loan from them will entail.

The third step in shopping for a mortgage is often the most intimidating for the borrower and that's negotiation. You have a right to negotiate for the terms that you want, though you might not get them. It will help as you are looking at the various lending institutions if you begin to create an 'ideal' mortgage plan in your head. That way, you can talk to other lenders about what other institutions have offered you so that they can match that price or reduce their rates to attract your business.

You are in the driver's seat when it comes to your mortgage, so be sure to speak up when you think something is too high or ask for an explanation of every number that you see. If you're not happy, you can always look elsewhere for a lender.

Grant Eckert is a writer for is a leading provider of Mortgage Quotes | Mortgage RatesFelita Blog74340
Erin Blog95416

Business Marketing: Four Essential Keys To Know When Writing Your Business Letter

Writing a professional business letter can be a challenge. It is difficult to find the right words and phrases that will generate enough interest to produce a positive response. Business letter writing, is comparable to creating an ad or flyer. Some of the same concepts apply in each scenario. All types of advertising need to capture the attention of your target market quickly. You generally have only 3-4 seconds.

Listed below are some key steps in forming your business letter:

1. Initiating the letter. The header should be your company. This is preferably your company logo. It brands your company from the first impression. If they receive future literature or advertisements from you, they will recognize your company immediately. Next, you should begin with an opening paragraph that grabs their attention. Keep all following paragraphs straight forward and to the point. A one page business letter will initiate the most productive results. We live in essentially, a non-read society.

2. Ask key questions that will promote the reader thinking about why they need your service or product. Bullet point the questions and indent them. They should stand out from the rest of the letter. This draws their eye to the questions and will give variety. The questions should be one liners. If readers see that the letter will be quick and easy to read they will be more likely to glance over your letter and pick out the most pertinent information. Questions are also good because it will start them thinking of the answers, which leads to a need for your service or product.

3. Establishing credibility. Show how your company can benefit their business. Help them understand why they need your services over someone else. Explain to them what your company offers and any endorsements or years of experience your company has. Also, by relating to them personally, you will alleviate most hesitation. When writing your letter use the word "you" instead of"I". They want to know what you can do for them. Another important aspect of establishing credibility is showing "value". This especially applies when your product or service is priced higher.

4. Call to action phrases that offer an incentive to respond promptly. These should be phrases that promote a discount, time frame, free service or product, introductory offer, etc. It is also best to highlight, change or enlarge font to set the call to action phrase apart from the rest of the letter. This may be the first thing that conquers their attention. You can read my free article on,

Marketing And Advertising: Power Point Phrases That Will Create Income. It is listed on this web site along with my other free articles. I have listed specific phrases that may be helpful when writing your business letter.

Your business letter should look and sound professional. Nice quality paper exhibits a more professional business letter. Soft blue parchment with black lettering is an excellent choice. It stands out and has a clean look. Because the expense is more for parchment paper, you can use it for clients that yield a higher residual. For mass mailing, white with black lettering is good.

Make sure to always have your letterhead at the top showing professionalism.

You do not have to be a great writer to compose a beneficial business letter. If your letter is well thought out and direct, it will be effective in achieving the goals you desire. Having someone critique your business letter will also be advantageous. No matter how many times you check for errors, it is easy to miss something. An outsider can also give input on content. They can give an objective view of what you have communicated.

For a sample business letter that demonstrates the various criteria visit:

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit: Blog56185
Faye Blog98413

The Biggest Secret In Internet Marketing

In the Internet marketing world, there are many misconceptions and outright lies. But the biggest secret is one that is so obvious that nobody wants to talk about or is even aware of. In this article, I share what I (and many world class marketers) consider to be the biggest secret in Internet marketing.

At this point, youre probably wondering? Whats the BIGGEST secret?

Before I share this secret with you, let me share a common mistake committed by 99% of Internet marketers. Almost all Internet marketers I know can quote you their opt-in rate and spend hours, days, weeks and even months tweaking their landing pages to get the highest opt-in rate. This is accomplished by asking for as little customer information as possible and casting as wide a net as possible. This usually requires asking for only the first name and the primary email address.

In many industries, this results in optimizing for the wrong results. What do I mean by that?

I spend a lot of time in multiple industries other than Internet marketing (including real estate, art, etc.) and for a long time, I was focusing on increasing my opt-in rate but rarely closed any sales (my sales for my products and my clients products range from $997 to $25,000 per sale). When I thought about it, I realized that in all of these industries and especially at these price points, the sale is accomplished via the phone, not via the Web.

Thus, without realizing it, I wasnt collecting all the necessary information for me to complete a sale (that is, I wasnt asking for a phone number because I knew this would reduce my opt-in rate). Most of the gurus who are teaching list building dont take into account industries that conduct business primarily offline and/or the fact that high-end products are not closed via email alone. Heck, I am not sure that any of them has ever tested their methods in offline businesses!

Now, I do a 2-step opt-in rate that allows me to have the highest opt-in rate on the first page and then ask for additional info (including the phone number and mailing address) on the thank you screen. This enables me to follow up via offline methods including postcards, direct mail and even telemarketing.

What does this have to do with the biggest secret in Internet marketing? Simplethe most valuable leads often require you to follow up using offline methods. However, this contradicts almost all list building techniques being taught, which almost always teach how to get the highest opt-in rate. In this case, I made more money by having a lower opt-in ratebut I got higher quality leads, which enable me to follow up via offline methods. Again, in many, many industries, the sales happen via the phone and in some cases via the fax and direct mail.

So, before you spend too much time focusing on optimizing your opt-in rate alone, think through the sales process and figure out what is the best way to close the sale and collect information for that to happen, even if it means a lower opt-in rate.

Now that you know the biggest secret in Internet marketing and the next time somebody brags about their 50% opt-in rate, you will know that he/she is probably optimizing on the wrong thing and leaving WAY too much money on the table.

To get regular notifications on high-end product creation secrets, visit


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If you use the material, please send us a note so we can take a look. Thanks.

© Blue Samba Publications All Rights Reserved

Alex Nghiem is the founder of Blue Samba Solutions, creator of the Backend Cash Machine, a proven system for enabling clients to make up to 10X by building a backend of high-end products. His system has been used in multiple industries including art, real estate and many offline industries.Filia Blog24952
Valene Blog35826

Business Process Outsourcing in Action

Business process is the skeleton of a certain business activity. It involves the description of different tasks and possible outcomes that are associated with a specific business activity. It is essential in crafting the business goals of a certain corporate organization, which is clearly defined in the organizations business strategy.

Business process is classified into three categories, which are as follows:

The management processes, which is followed to run the operation of the business and comply with all existing yet relevant requirements.

The operational processes, which is followed in delivering the business value to clients, and is considered as an integral part of a corporate organizations core business.

The supporting processes, which is followed to support the core-based processes. It includes accounting, information technology (IT) support, and recruitment processes.

Being the skeleton of your organizations business activity, you must give utmost importance to your business process as a whole. This is extremely important since the success or failure in achieving the goals of your business will largely depend on the process that you have followed, together with your business strategies and plans. Thus, without an effective business process, your business is as good as dead when the time comes.

Realizing the importance of a business process in achieving their business objectives, there are companies that prefer to outsource some or all of their business process (most specifically the non-core processes) to third-party organizations. The main motive in outsourcing a business process is to allow the business to invest most of their time, financial, and human resources into core activities and focus on building effective strategies, which will fuel the growth of the company.

Since the global marketplace is fast-changing and highly-competitive, your business must concentrate on improving the productivity and at the same time trim down unnecessary costs. Non-core business processes are being outsourced since the tasks involved in these processes consumes time, essential resources, and energy. Thus, outsourcing these non-core business processes will help you achieve a cost-efficient system.

Non-core business processes that can be outsourced range from production to customer service to support functions (such as software development). Most companies that are outsourcing their business process are from Western countries and they are delegating the work to outsourcing firms located offshore, especially countries located on the Eastern hemisphere, such as China, Philippines, India, and Malaysia.

While more and more companies are becoming comfortable with outsourcing their business processes, outsourcing most of their learning and development functions is still a new approach to many learning professionals. Moving the training and learning model that is completely in-house to one that will be handled by other individuals outside the business is a big leap. However, as mentioned earlier, it is important that these processes receive equal importance and consideration for the benefit of your business as a whole. Thus, despite of business process outsourcing as a new approach, many training and learning professionals are starting to get the grip of the new system and subsequently will follow the outsourcing trend.

Business process, especially the non-core one, needs to be given equal importance and attention to achieve an efficient business operation. Outsourcing these business processes will not be a waste of time and financial resources, but rather a strategy to be followed. Surviving in this highly-competitive global marketplace is not as easy as you think. You need an option that will work to your advantage and that is outsourcing.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog90710
Faythe Blog1608

Do You Know How To Experience Real Internet Marketing Leverage?

Did you know that... certain Master Resale Rights Products or Solutions can be a Great Foundation to the Leverage You need to Experience In Internet Marketing.

Uncover the principle of Leverage as the Key You need for Freedom, everyone that has more than enough understands the truth. Here Are Secrets Revealed Using Master Resale Rights.

First Good Reason to Use Master Resale Rights is Learning to Leverage the Internet Marketing Community.

You need to know the Basics of How the Internet works using a web page. Failure to understand this point will leave You totally dependent on the honesty of others. You need this understanding even if You become a major user of the Real Outsourcing that's available to Your Business.

Did You Know every folder You create on You Domain Server, You need to place an Index File in that folder for security?

Otherwise, everything in that folder is exposed.

Hands on Experience is what You need in the true sense of the word here. I'm a living witness that You can Master enough about HTML code with a few Basics. What You learn just looking at the "Source Code" of a web page of Your Master Resale Products is invaluable. You will master much just working with each web page.

When we first started we had no knowledge, just simple facts like: and then , meaning Bold the text and the end of Bold text.All of this is better Illustrated in a Basic Master Resale Rights Package. This makes for a good case study in the How To Videos made available to Illustrate:

Master Resale Rights will teach You first hand the value of a Highly Responsive Presell Email. Mostly this is the First Base even when we have an excellent Blog in the Mix or a Direct to DeskTop Method used in our Business. That's another topic we've found very effective in detail here:

Matters not what we market we must Master the Presell of our Product or Solution mostly using email online. Knowing this Secret and Mastering How To Apply Related Bonuses with all we Market to our Customers/Clients spells Financial Freedom.

Notice that Marketing is the Key, learn to be more than a peddler of this product and that product just because of the commissions You think that will be received if You by chance are lucky to have any success.

There is a method to this madness and it's called Marketing in Your Business and You must have a plan. Here is one of the Best known to the Internet Marketing Community when You need to Master Writing the Presell Email, Highly Suggested:

I'm sure You have noticed everything we do in Marketing is to Build on that Central Theme started back in December 2001 of Time Saving and Money Making HomeBased Business Resouces. Our Flagship Idea was to evolve in the Internet Marketing Community Using Master Resale Rights as our Training Ground.

Even though about $100,000 a year is a Good Goal to Target, You always must realized that Leverage is still the Key that will bring You more than enough.Everyone that plans to earn $5,000,000 profits from Your endeavors of Marketing Online in say a Seven Year period, let me suggest these Basics are really, really necessary. You need to understand the Basics matter not that there aren't opinions of the other thinking.

Think about it, recently most have come to know that You are very limited without a community of likeminded people in Internet Marketing these days. Moving to the Next Level is the song of Leverage, tune that mostly the Rich and Famous have been able to sing. Have You been Lied to for Years?

They didn't teach these ideas in High School and most of our Schools period. Here is Your WARNING and WAKE UP CALL.

A Storm Is Coming are You Ready? List Building and Affiliate Marketing are Leverage Points that are the Real Deal. You Know it's true if You noticed Your inbox lately and You can Demand that You receive some "How To Information" Without It Costing You and I an Arm and Leg plus Your First Born-):

What will You Master as Your Point of Leverage?

Build Leverage In Your Follow-Up System Using Master Resale Rights a Catalyst In Marketing Mastery Online.From here You can create Your own Products and even Improve on Private Label Rights should You Choose. Improve on the Idea and You make it Your very own. Know the Basics and a LifeStyle of Financial Freedom and Abundance will reign in Life.Think!

Every since I started out Online with Our First Domain in December 2001 being a Christian Business Online has been and always will be most important to me as a person.

Because I'm sure that teaching 5,000,000 persons what I know is this: Grace and Truth were realized in Jesus Christ.

This is our Ultimate Goal and everything else we practice is in support of this idea, I believe and take my stand in the Idea of "Together We Stand". John 1:1-18, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

This remains Our Thought O The Week!

"In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline." --Martin Luther King Jr.

Do you know only true leaders step out front?"

John F. Kennedy, echoing Theodore Roosevelt, stated the idea more eloquently when he said:

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Living your life on your terms means stepping out on a regular basis. You have a song in your heart. Will you step out from the crowd and sing that song? Will you risk appearing the fool to live your dreams?

It may seem frightening and lonely to step out front. It is, but only for a short time. The comfort of conformity soon pales in comparison to the power, passion and excitement that comes with any bold, new, purposeful action.

You'll soon find others who've stepped out front with you.

They're people like you who've grown weary of living a mediocre existence.

They - like you - will have heeded the whisper of God within, which quietly says "It's your life. Make it great."

Step out front this week. It doesn't have to be a big step.

Maybe you've been thinking about starting your own home- based business. Perhaps you have an idea for your own newsletter. Maybe there's a class you've been wanting to take. Whatever it is, take your first step this week.

If you're not sure what that first step is for you, shoot me a message and we'll come up with it together.

Step out and have a great week!

This is the System we Highly Recommend to Master the Basics as I did Online and You can handle putting most any Product or Solution on the Market whether You created it, a Private Label Product You Improved On or even if You plan to become one to OutSource most parts of every project. The Real Deal!

You can never skip the Basics, it's a neccessary Learning Curve none can avoid that will exceed over $100,000 yearly Internet Marketing Income. Because I know it works so well I suggest You Invest and Begin to Catapult Your Mastery of Marketing Online Starting Today.Because I can help You use this system In a Lifestyle of Freedom even using the Best Online Super Affiliate Marketing Project to date in my Humble Opinion. What do You Think?

Is It Really the most powerful affiliate weapon on the web?

Benefits of knowing the Basics will catapult Your Business to Greater Results, You can't avoid the Learning Curve no matter How You Try.It's Neccessary and the sooner we Discover the truth it's better. Leverage is a by product of Your own Thinking, "Help Enough Other People Get What They Want, and You Can Have Anything You Want" Zig Zigler. Are You Ready for the Coming Storm? Marketing Online Is Better In a Positive Community "Together We Stand".

©2006 Jim R. Legington - All Rights Reserved

You have permission to use and distribute this Article in Your Ezine/Newsletter, Website, Blog, eBook, Reports,as long as You Do Not Alter Any of it's Content and Our Resource Box just below, Must Remain Attached with this Article. Thank You So Much!

Retired FireFighter Jim R. Legington with His Brandable Free Report of "Top Ten One Time offers" shows You How To Discover Viral Marketing Illustrated. Over 40% Conversion Rate To Very Loyal Subscribers Using Best Irresistible Offers Online Today! Blog31544
Fabrice Blog20597

Make Money Online - Helpful Advice On How To Start

Many people are looking at the internet as a way of earning an additional part-time or even full-time income. It can be a good idea but with millions of available options, and websites proclaiming to have the answers to questions you have not even thought of, where do you start ? This article will offer you advice that will at least get you started in the right direction.

You are probably reading this article for only a couple of reasons:

1. You do not currently make enough money and need to make more money on a part-time basis without compromising your full-time job. You do not have a lot of time available to make more money.

2. You are not happy in your job or do not like working for a boss. You are looking for an alternative way of earning money, preferably full-time but with something that you can start on a part-time basis. 3. You are already trying to make more money and have tried many different business opportunities but with no or very little success. You realize you need help.

If you can associate with one or more of the above-mentioned reasons for reading this article then please continue reading.

There are millions of people all over the world that do not like what they are doing for a living. Maybe it is the job itself, a rude boss, or not earning enough money to have a decent standard of living. Whatever the reason(s), most people find it very difficult to make a new start.

We are all creatures of habit that dislike change and value safety and security. Starting a business often takes us outside our comfort-zone. We need to build our confidence, not only in ourselves but also in any new opportunity that we are considering.

This can be achieved by:

- Learning as much as possible about any new opportunity.

- Having the possibility of doing it on a part-time basis as a trial to see whether it is any good.

- Spending as little money as possible on any new business opportunity. You don't want to add more stress to your life by spending lots of money (that you can't afford to spend) on things that may not work at all.

Many people consider the Internet as the ideal way of making more money. I agree with them. Problem is that most people actually lose more money on the Internet than make money. There are millions and millions of ecommerce websites on the Internet and it is estimated that at least 95% of these websites are losing money every month!

Why do I like to do business on the Internet?

a. It allows me to have an international business, potentially reaching many millions of people all over the world.

b. Like most people I do not enjoy face-to-face selling. With the Internet there is no need for face-to-face selling. No fear of being rejected by customers or insulted by people having a bad-hair-day.

c. I can make money 24 hours a day. Even while sleeping someone can be buying a product or service on my website.

d. I can run my business from anywhere in the world, as long as I have a computer and access to the Internet.

e. Once my business is setup it basically runs on autopilot. That does not mean I do not need to work on it. It means I do not have to spend eight hours every day working on it. One or two hours should be sufficient.

f. It allows me to have my own business with unlimited earning potential. Whatever I put in I can get out. The sky is the limit and I am not working to make my boss or company rich.

Fact of the matter is that it is becoming more and more difficult to ignore the massive ecommerce potential of the Internet. Whether you are selling products or services online or have any other type of business, you need the Internet to promote your business as more and more consumers are doing online searches to find what they are looking for. Does not matter if you are a plumber or an electrician, you will need the Internet more and more in the future to promote your business.

O.K. We have established that the Internet offers us a huge potential to make more money, part-time or full-time. We have also established that most people are not actually making any money from the Internet.

Where do we start?

We start by learning as much as possible at our own pace without forcing anything. Remember that knowledge is power!

I recommend that before you do anything on the Internet that you join a suitable company as an affiliate or join a network marketing company. The point is not whether you want to pursue a

long-term career as an affiliate. The important point is that you can join most affiliate programs for free and receive very valuable information and training for free. In addition, you can actually make a lot of money while learning! This, in my opinion, is the best, safest and easiest way to start.

Many companies that offer affiliate programs do their best to offer their affiliates as much training and support as possible. Why? It is in their best interest. The better advice, training and support they give you the more money you will make for them.

Remember that as an affiliate you do not need to buy or sell anything. You only need to get people to promote the company you are an affiliate of. All sales resulting in your referral will earn you a very nice commission, normally anything between 20% and 50% of the sales price. That is not bad at all! Many companies will even give you a free affiliate website that you can promote.

What is the catch?

The catch is that it is not always easy to promote a certain product or service. People do not automatically visit your affiliate website. This is where the training comes in. If you can succeed as an affiliate for a company you can succeed with your own Internet business in the future. There will be no need to pay expensive school fees.

To your success !

Francois du Toit is the owner of, a website designed to help new entrepreneurs succeed by evaluating various online and offline business opportunities, affiliate programs and network marketing options. The website also offers free articles and tools that will assist webmasters in building profitable websites.Fortune Blog64042
Felice Blog1455

Advertising Is Key To Home Business Success

There is no question that advertising is key to the success of any business large or small, new or old. Without advertising and marketing practices a business simply cannot succeed or last long. To ensure long and lasting success, a business must engage in marketing and advertising in some way. If you have heard the old adage that it takes money to make money then you know that advertising does not come for free. A business must consider an advertising campaign budget to keep their numbers up.

It has been said that the best form of advertising is word of mouth advertising. Word of mouth advertising is free and lends an air of credibility to the business. Usually, word of mouth advertising comes from happy and satisfied customers and clients that wish to share their positive experience. Most of the time, they tell their friends, family, and coworkers about a particular product or service and in turn new customers come to the business.

While word of mouth is a wonderful and free way to get the word out about a business, it is not the be all end all of advertising. Advertising with television spots, radio spots, on billboards, and in print are all still very effective ways to get the word out. These methods of advertising are quite expensive and not as realistic for many small businesses.

A more economical yet effective way for a business to advertise is online. The Internet is such an integral part of daily life now that it is hard not to advertise on the World Wide Web. The ways in which a business can advertise online are seemingly endless. There are several types of email marketing campaigns, banner advertising, link advertising, websites, and viral marketing. Usually, to engage in a successful email marketing campaign, a business will send past customers an email to announce new products or specials on their website or in their store.

By large, advertising online is usually very cheap. The key is to find a place online where lots of your customers are going to go. In order to do this, you have to be sure that you know who your demographic is and who is using your business. This might require some work on your part. Once you have identified who the people are that are using your business, you can go to other sites that these people are also going to be using, and you can advertise on these sites, quite easily.

Many business owners engage in strategic networking with other business owners in an effort to advertise their businesses. Strategic networking is a way for business owners to meet each other, get the word out about their company, and even to expand their resources and business prospects.

One of the newest ways to get the word out about your business and successfully advertise is that through social networking. Social networking is much like strategic networking in that it is usually free and occurs through meeting and discussing issues and products. However, social networking is done through modern media such as websites, blogs, and the Internet community. It is highly effective and inexpensive.

Regardless of the method of advertising used, a business must use constant advertising campaigns to keep success on the horizon.

Earl Williams will show you how to build an online business from your own home. He will give you a verity of business to choose from. You can learn more by visiting: http://www.netmarketer.orgVitoria Blog61671
Vicky Blog18848

Website Builder: What Are Your Options?

Building a website is an undertaking similar to how you first started your business. You planned what you wanted and went for it. You put in the time and still do, to ensure that your business functions smoothly.

Its no different with a website. You have to maintain the website because if you dont the content (words and phrases) become obsolete and the information hungry website visitor wont visit because there isnt anything to keep them on your website. Nothing of interest translates into nothing of value.

When undertaking your website building, you need to ask yourself these questions:

1) What do I want my website to accomplish?

It is very important to know before hand what you wish your website to accomplish. For example, if you have a website that provides information for a specific disease, you may want your website to be the place where professionals meet to give their opinions and write articles.

Other website business owners may wish their website to sell products and services. Research into what the numbers and other statistics will help you determine whether there is enough interest in order to justify owning a website.

2) How much am I willing to spend?

The cost of your website is also another important consideration. Obviously, you dont want to spend an outrageous amount, although you dont want to initially spend so little that in the long run, it costs you more to operate the cheaper website.

3) Do I want to learn HTML?

Learning HTML is important to any website building, even if you choose not to build it yourself. Why? You wont be held hostage and be paying for regular maintenance (that you can do) cheaper and with a sense of satisfaction. Learning HTML will also allow you to negotiate better in the long run because you will know what it takes to build, maintain, and create content for your website.

4) How much time can I devote to my website?

The time that you put into your website is important. Your website business success hinges on regular maintenance. Just like your vehicle, your health and anything else that has value, regularly devoting a specific amount of time will prevent major issues in the long run.

5) Are my expectations equal to what my website goals?

Sometimes we have expectations that do not seem in line with our goals. For example, if you wish to have your website ranked #1 within the 2nd day of having your website up and running, well that may be an unreasonable expectation considering that your website has only been on-line for 2 days. Ensure that your expectations are reasonable and you will be able to satisfy those expectations.

6) Are my website goals attainable?

Your website goals need to be attainable. This step goes hand-in-hand with question 5. Without attainable goals, youre setting yourself and your website business for failure even before your website goes on-line. Attainable goals may be modified after each is attained. For example, you may wish to increase your website rankings by 5 places by the end of the year by following a specific marketing plan. The key is to plan out how these goals are to be obtained and if they are indeed attainable.

These 6 questions are important when asking whether a website building experience will help you and your website business goals. By planning and mapping out what you want, you will ensure that your website building goals are on track to attaining the success you desire.

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at Fanchette Blog25612
Feodora Blog32844

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


How to Optimize Your Web Site 15%, 27%, 134% and Start Making Real Money

Does your web site make you money?

How long has your web site been running?

One year? Two years? Maybe even three?

Over those three years your web site could have been a turbo-charged money machine, cranking out profits for you and your family night and day, week after week, month after month.

But has it? Or has it just sat there, looking pretty. Maybe lots of graphics and Flash animations. Maybe lots of visitors

Maybe it just costs you money, because you have to pay for web hosting?

If so, a lot of other web site owners are in the same boat.

But did you know, if you change just one part of your web site, you can make your web site profitable?

Change your headline, for example, and you can increase your response by 500%.

Write 10 different headlines and one may be a winner.

But how do you find the winner?

The answer is, you have to test as many different headlines as you can, until you find the winner.

How do you test? Well come to that in a moment.

Other factors that make your web site a winner or a loser are, for example, your offer (do people want your product?), your opening para (paragraph), bullet points, testimonials, close, PS and bonuses.

But consider this.

Say you write 10 headlines, 10 offers, 10 opening paras, 10 testimonials, 10 closes and 10 bonuses.

You now have a MILLION different combinations (10 to the 6th power = 1,000,000) to test, to discover the perfect blend of web site variables!

Headline B works well with opening para A, but not with bonus B. Headline A works well with bonus B, but not with opening para A and so on up to 10 to the 6th power!

How do you find the best mix out of a million?

Sounds impossible? Right?

In the old days, before the Internet, if you were a direct marketer, all you could do was a split-run test (also known as an A B split test) test only two parts of your sales letter at a time.

Youd send out, say 3,000 letters with headline A to 3,000 names on a list. And then another 3,000 letters with headline B to 3,000 different names on a list.

Youd also somehow code each letter (perhaps include a coupon for the reader to fill out to get a discount or free sample), so youd know which letter brought the highest response.

Then youd wait. And wait.

Eventually, after a few weeks youd have your responses, and youd have a good idea which headline worked best.

Youd then send the best-performing letter to the rest of the names on your list.

Or youd test the best-performing letter against one with another headline. Again send the letter with headline A (if that was the stronger letter from the first test) to, say, 3,000 names on your list, and the letter with headline C to another 3,000 list names.

Again, youd wait. And wait

This was a real pain, but it was the only way to find the winning letter. It took a LOT of time and often a LOT of money.

Enter the Internet. And very powerful web site testing software.

With this multivariate (or multivariable, Taguchi multivariate) software you can now test multiple variables (headline, bonuses, PS and so on) of a web page sales letter at the same time.

You can write, say, 16 headlines, 16 opening paras, 16 sets of bonuses, 16 closes and so on and test them all at the same time.

The software will tell you the best blend of elements that make up the most powerful sales letter. You wont have to spend months, or even years, doing very boring A/B split testing.

And a dynamite sales letter will turn your web site into a 24/7 money generator.

To find out more about how this amazing new software can transform an underperforming web site that loses you money into a constant money machine, go to

Theres a special offer right now, but its limited. So youll have to hurry.

© 2006 Eldo Barkhuizen BA, HDE

Eldo Barkhuizen,, is a direct response and web copywriter based in the UK. Using tested, powerful strategies he will help you transform your website into a 24/7 money magnet.Vera Blog81056
Ernesta Blog34875

How to Put your Online Marketing on Autopilot

Do you want to not be actively participating in day-to-day marketing activities?

Do you want your target market to come to your web site and subscribe to your newsletter?

Do you want qualified buyers to come to your web site, buy your product and download it, all without any involvement from you?

One of the important building blocks of creating passive income streams is to have a web site that can do as much as possible for your web site visitors, before you get involved. For example:

- If someone wants to become your business coaching client, they should be able to fill out a questionnaire with information about their business, their goals, their budget, etc. This way, the client will be pre-qualified online, instead of you spending time on pre-qualification. Pre-qualification is a good process to automate, as answering a questionnaire can be done easily online.

- When someone wants to buy your ebook or special report, have a process that processes their payment, confirms the payment and lets them download the product without your involvement. Again, this will help you save the time getting the payment, processing the payment and delivering the product. This is another great process to automate, as all the tools for accepting payment online and delivering a digital product are readily available.

Remember, people come to your web site for many different reasons. Some want to read your articles. Some need your services. Others want to subscribe to your newsletter. Yet others need to purchase your products. All of these actions require a different online marketing process.

While each process is different, the processes may be easy to set up. Once you formulate what a process needs to do (process payment, deliver product, qualify a potential customer), you will be able to define and implement the process.

Over to you - lets take action! Here are the steps you need to take to put your marketing on autopilot, and have your web site do the majority of your marketing for you:

- Audit your current web site, and all the processes to use to qualify clients, register newsletter subscribers, sell products, deliver products, etc.

- Identify how involved you are in each process from the very beginning of the process, from the middle, not at all. Every process is different. Some will need your involvement at some point (when someone asks for a project quote). Others can be 100% on autopilot (digital product sale and delivery).

- Identify how you can improve each process. Are there ways to add more automation? Is there a way to pre-qualify a client futher?

By putting your marketing processes on autopilot, while still offering your customers your products and services, will give you more time for working with existing clients and creating more passive income streams products.

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, expert and author, who teaches business owners and solopreneurs how to put online marketing on autopilot and make money. Learn how to increase your own product sales get Top 5 Ways To Increase Your Online Sales Special Report absolutely FREE at Blog42448
Eugenia Blog74381

Root Keywords Are Key To SEO Efforts

Whether you are just starting out with search engine optimization or an old pro, keyword research is the foundation upon which top rankings are built and root keywords are the most important.

Root Keywords Are Key To SEO Efforts

Keywords, keywords, keywords the term used so often in search engine optimization that it can get a bit overwhelming at times. What exactly are keywords? How do I find them? How do I use them? Why is the term spelled keywords instead of key words? Ah, there are so many questions we can go into. Of course, we should talk about something far more important.

The key to keyword research is focusing on the key word. How is that for a sentence? Okay, now for something understandable. When identifying terms you wish to use in the optimization effort for your site, you must look to the base word of the area you are researching. That probably is not much better, so here is an example.

Assume I am researching the keywords for an online internet marketing company, to wit, the site promoted with this article. Should I type in online internet marketing into my favorite research tool? No! By doing so, I limit myself to finding only those keywords that contain these three words. Taking this approach, I would even miss the basic term internet marketing. Obviously, I have not focused on the root word of my research.

Returning to my research tool, I should go ahead and find all the words for internet marketing, right? No! Doing so will return more keyword phrases, but I am still limiting myself to only those phrases that contain the two words. In this case, I will miss out on phrases related to internet advertising or online marketing and so on. By taking this approach, I have followed the seo herd and missed out on some juicy opportunities.

The best approach to the above scenario is to research two words first internet and marketing. Do them separately and then work your way into the various combination of words that will appear. These are your root words. Bow before them. Treat them nicely. Research them and you might just find some massive traffic with low competition, the stuff of dreams!

There is a tendency in seo to by into the hype of going niche. Yes, certain situations definitely call for focusing on a very defined niche. When doing your keyword research, however, always start with the root words. They will lead you to the niche you can make money in.

Halstatt Pires is with - an internet marketing firm. Fallon Blog44071
Eveline Blog53272

Domain Transfers without Tears

One of the most common errors I come across week after week concerns domain transfers. That is when a request is made to transfer a domain name from one registrar to another.

Many domain owners wait until just a few days before their domain expires before requesting transfer, because they mistakenly think the remaining time on their domain name will be lost if they transfer earlier.

The result is that the transfer often fails because the procedure can take a few days to complete. And during that time the domain expires. The 'losing' registrar will then refuse the transfer altogether because of the universal rule that expired domains can't be transferred.

I guess one reason domain owners are badly informed about this is because many registrars consider it's not in their interests to tell their customers about this. After all, the more failed transfers there are, the more the registrar can rake in for another year's fees. As a domain reseller, I think that's a short-sighted attitude because it makes customers only more determined to leave your service as soon as possible!

What you need to remember is this....

When you transfer your domain name, one year's validity is added to the domain's EXISTING expiry date. So no time is ever lost when you transfer your domain!

For example if your domain still has 6 months to go before expiry and you transfer it now, it will have 18 months after the transfer completes.

So the moral is ...

If you've decided to transfer your domain name to another registrar, don't wait until renewal time comes around. Transfer it now.

The only exception is if you recently registered or renewed your domain name. You will then have to wait for 60 days before requesting a transfer. The reason is that domain registrars have a common rule against this. Many were ripped off in the past by fraudsters who didn't pay their credit card bills and the registrars then had nothing in hand, neither cash nor the domain name.

Copyright © Fred Bunzl - All Rights Reserved. Fred Bunzl has been in the domain name business since 1999 and is partnered with three of the Web's largest ICANN accredited domain name registrars. For more information about Fred Bunzl's domain name services, visit http://DomainsNow4U.Com.Vikkie Blog41752
Fannie Blog12562

Make Money At Home Online By Linking To and Becoming an Authority Site

If you are looking to make money at home online, it's a pretty challenging feat unless you start linking to authority sites, and start becoming an authority site. Authority sites are respected websites built by respected marketers that bring in large amounts of traffic and sales.

In order to get there yourself, you have to find out about these sites, because they will likely have some juicy, highly sought after information that you need to know. The information you find on these sites will help you build a solid business that will allow you to make money at home online.

How do you find these authority sites? The best way to get ahold of the top internet marketers who really know what they're doing is by joining discussion forums in your niche. For example, the Warrior Forum or Associate Programs Forum have some the top internet marketers in the world that will help you make money at home online.

It is in these discussion forums where you will get and give help, as well as learn the tricks of any online business you may be involved with.

Top internet marketers with authority sites will often have blogs that you can subscribe to to get the latest information on building you own authority site.

Oftentimes, when you subscribe to their newsletter lists, you will get free ebooks with invaluable tips and techniques within.

Be sure to link to as many of these authority sites as you can, even if you have to pay, in order to boost your own website's rankings. When you have good rankings yourself, others will want to link to you.

When you want to make money at home online, it's not all about the rankings you get from links. True authority sites will offer information that is found no place else on the net and is hard to get a-hold of. Much of this information will be absolutely unique to that web-master, and that's what makes it so good.

Becoming an authority site does take time and effort, but if you can survive the tough times in your business, and get past at least one year in business, you are doing far better than most, and are on your way to success.

So you have some links, you have some rank, and you have come up with some good original articles and blog content to add to your site regularly. You've been in business for over a year, are in touch with the experts in your niche, and now what do you do?

For one thing, search engine optimization, or SEO is extremely important if you want to generate traffic and sales to your site. If you use good, researched keywords in your articles and blogs, you are seriously getting there! Find out about SEO and keywords. You won't regret it!

Next, you're going to have to understand the most effective ways to make your blog posts if you hope to make money at home online. Not only do you need quality content and keywords, but you need to get involved with social networking services and get your blogs onto these sites. Find out about blogging, and social bookmarking and networking. You won't regret it!

One of the easiest ways to draw traffic that converts on your site is by using tags that link to Technorati, and other keyword links within your posts that get people to click. Find out about Technorati tags and link baiting! You won't regret it!

Finally, it's important for any business - if you really want to make money at home online that you keep up with the ever-changing internet. Again, if you stick to some quality forums, you have a good chance of knowing the most current buzz on any business related topic.

Right now, the whole video marketing craze is taking over the net as a top-notch way to advertise. If you're not in on that game, you may fall behind in your marketing efforts. If you stay hip in your market, you have a good chance of becoming an authority marketer and site.

Liane Bate owns a Plug-in Profit Site web business, and is a member of the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE).Fan Blog70421
Estel Blog33328

How To Harness The Power Of Email For Marketing Success

Spammers have done their best to give email marketing a bad name. However, email is such an all pervasive communication tool that its use as an extremely effective means of building customer relationships and selling products and services remains un-dented. Imagine trying to run your business today without access to email it would be impossible. In fact, surveys have found that the vast majority of internet users site email as their primary reason for using the internet, despite the spammers best efforts.

While were on the subject of spam, heres a quick word to the wise, dont do it!

Its a really effective way of upsetting future clients and associating your company, products and services with dodgy Viagra, porn and scam artists. Most importantly, spam doesnt work. Its as simple as that.

However, opt-in email marketing is exploding because it does work. Companies are lured to it by incredibly low costs and high response rates. Its easy to get started and it puts any organisation, large or small, on a level playing field.

Of course, theres a right way and a wrong way to do anything and the vast majority of email marketers are getting it wrong. The industry is young and those who are doing well are not falling over themselves to share the secrets of their email marketing success with competitors. But there is some good news. Unlike conventional direct marketing pieces, email marketing is both cheap and easy to test and the results can be comparatively easy to collate and analyse.

If thats the case then why do so many of the marketing emails that I receive get just about everything wrong? And why dont the senders ever seem to learn from their mistakes?

Learn from your mistakes

The advantage that email marketing has over pretty much any other type of marketing is its trackability. Instant, live results from your marketing campaign were a marketers dream just a few, short years ago. Now they are a reality but not everyone is taking advantage.

Emailing your database from Outlook or using bulk email sending software is usually a waste of time for both you and the recipient. The main reason being that you get little or no feedback, unless a recipient chooses to email you back. True, you can set up a read receipt in Outlook but that only tells you a very small part of the story. Imagine if you could tell, at a glance, who isnt interested in your services and really doesnt want to hear from you again (dont waste any more of your valuable time on them). Or who opened your email and read it repeatedly (wow, those people must really be interested!) Better still, imagine if they clicked directly through to your website and you knew what link they clicked on (you would know exactly what interested them). Useful stuff like that!

Fortunately all that information is really easy to obtain if you use a good email marketing tool like rather than Outlook. There might be a learning curve of a few days but its worth it to make your emails 100% more effective, right?

With this kind of marketing intelligence you can really start to harness the power of email, because email can give you something special instant, live, two-way communication from every address you deliver to. Thats right, every single one. Even emails that bounce back tell you something its likely those addresses are dead and you need to update your database. If you are getting 20% opens and only 22% reads then you know something about your email isnt connecting with your recipients. If it was, they would be reopening the email to re-read it or show it to the boss, so you would be getting a much higher percentage of reads to opens.

With this kind of in-depth information you can begin to learn from what you are getting right and what you are getting wrong. You can begin to mould your campaigns and target your messages. Improve your response rates and follow up on click throughs. In essence, learn from your mistakes and find out what works for you.

To start you on the right track. Here are 5 tried and tested ways of improving the effectiveness of your emails.

1. Keep your subject lines short and to the point. Longer than 40 characters and theyll be cut off by many email clients. Dont use words like OFFER or FREE or exclamation marks for emphasis!!! Youll be relegated to the spam folder.

2. Keep it simple stupid. Dont make your emails too long or try to cram in to many offers. Youve got a second or so to grab your readers attention so keep it concise.

3. Let your readers know what to do next. Put a clear call to action on your email. A link to your website or your telephone number, big and bold.

4. Make it time limited. Putting a deadline on your email has been proven to increase response rates. Make it clear to your recipients that if they snooze they loose!

5. Time it right. Dont send your email at 10oclock on a Monday morning when everyone is manic. Its going to get deleted. Timing is everything so choose a time of day when your recipient will be more receptive.

Pay close attention to just these five rules and I guarantee you will improve your response rates. Good luck and remember the power of email marketing. Customer knowledge!

Anthony Braide is Managing Director of Gencia Media Ltd, makers of Blog2080
Farica Blog22424

In Online Sales There's No Such Thing As "You Had Me At Hello"

We are all familiar with the famous line from the movie "Jerry Maguire" in which Jerry (Tom Cruise), after saying "hello" delivers a very long, dramatic and compelling monologue expressing his thoughts and emotions towards Dorothy (Renee Zellweger), only to hear her say "stop... you had me at hello."

How romantic! (I don't blame you if you already have tears in your eyes.) Wouldnt it be wonderful if life always worked like that?

I'm really sorry to burst your bubble, but the ruthless truth is that it doesn't. That's right, IT DOESN'T. "You had me at hello" is just a movie phrase, a fantasy, a completely unreal statement meant to be presented and remain (you got it) IN THE MOVIES (ok, maybe in some Spanish soap operas too!)

The purpose of the following article is to share with you the main way in which many web sites fail to engage their visitors in establishing a relationship that can eventually translate into a sale, and the steps you can take to make sure even your casual web site visitors turn into customers for life. Theres lots of great information ahead so lets get started

Every single web site says "hello" the moment it is opened by any given individual. It will then deliver it's compelling monologue (notice the term "MONOLOGUE") by providing all the information about the subject it covers (a product, service, person, business, topic, etc.) We were doing well so far unfortunately, that is where the similarities between the movie and reality end.

You see, if life worked just like the movie, the individual visiting the web site would instantly fall in love with it, purchase whatever the web site is selling and instantly add it to his or her list of "favorite sites" to make sure that it will never get lost or disappear in cyber space.

POP!!! There goes your bubble! (Wake up and welcome to reality.) You see, the real scenario that happens can be briefly summarized in these four steps:

1. Individual clicks and opens web site. 2. Individual briefly scrolls through the information and pictures the web site provides. 3. Individual exits web site. 4. Individual forgets that the just-visited web site ever existed.


Before you burst into tears, let me tell you that there is a relatively easy action you can take to prevent that inevitable cycle in human nature from dooming all of your sales efforts forever. (Relax, I'm not talking about suicide!)

The key is simply to remain in contact with each and every visitor that comes to your web site, and the way to accomplish this is by turning the "monologue" into an "ONGOING DIALOGUE".


The ongoing dialogue: How to stay in touch

with your web site visitors/customers


The first step to creating this "ongoing dialogue" is asking your visitors for their contact information. Mind you, you can't be pushy or aggressive when requesting this information, as that will only make them click that little red box with the white "x" in the upper right corner of your browser faster than it took for your $12,000 flash intro to download.

Before you even attempt to ask your visitors for their contact details, you should think of something of perceived high value that they really want and that you can give them for FREE in exchange for their contact info. This should typically be an informative report that can be emailed or downloaded at little or no cost to you and not an object that you need to purchase and that will need to be physically mailed... (For example, if you're giving away free Rolexes, I'm sure people will love to give you their contact info but you're probably not going to be in business for very long.)

Once you have accomplished the step of capturing their contact information, you have to keep in touch with your visitors regularly. This will allow you to remain at the top of their minds and make sure they remember who you are, especially when they are ready to purchase the type of service or product you offer.

NOTE: Ideally, you want that "something" that you gave away as a freebie to your visitors to be delivered in the form of several e-mails sent over a period of time Many people take a long time to make a purchase and you want to make sure you remain close by throughout the decision making process.

An often quoted statistic from famed Marketing Guru Jay Conrad Levinson is that it can take as many as 12 attempts to build a solid, trusting relationship with your potential customers before they will actually make a purchase from you. (Ive checked this number against my own online sales experience and many times it will take even more attempts before a customer will make a purchase.)

Can you imagine having to make that many contact attempts before you make a sale? And to think most sales web sites simply say hello and let their visitors/potential customers surf away, in most cases never to return! Keeping in touch with your web site visitors may sound like a lot of work but it's actually quite easy to do with a type of technology called an Auto Responder which automatically takes care of the whole process for you and will also allow you to keep track not only of the mailings themselves but of the contact information of your visitors.

Ok Ive grabbed their contact information and linked it to an auto responder... Now what do I do? Once youve established your initial relationship, make sure to nurture it constantly, the same way that you nurture a friendship.

Give your potential customers a steady dose of free tips and small pieces of valuable information they may find useful (little tasty bits and previews of what you deliver Keep them hungry for what you have to offer and they will wait anxiously for your next message!) All the while, tastefully let your contact list know about any new products or services that you develop and every so often, include an offer that may be of interest to your audience. (WARNING: Dont turn your regular communications into sales pitches or you run the risk of upsetting your audience and having them complain or worse, unsubscribe the key term is subtlety.)

Place yourself for a moment in the shoes of an individual visiting your web site in search for a solution to his/her problem

Now that you know the secret, upon arriving at your web site, he or she finds that you not only provide some valuable information on the site, but that you also offer a helpful report that you will send for free to his or her email address. Your auto responder follows up automatically by sending the report you promised, all the while, building credibility and a strong, trusting relationship with that former stranger, who is about to become your trusting "friend" and soon-to-be customer.

Believe me, I've shared and used this strategy the vast majority of the clients I've worked with and it ALWAYS works! To apply this strategy to YOUR online efforts, look at your current web site(s) and see in what ways you may establish an ongoing relationship with your visitors by gathering their contact information even before you try to sell them anything. Think of what kind of information may be of interest to them which you can package into a report in exchange for their email. Once youve captured their contact information, make sure you stay in regular touch and treat your customers like close friends.

The objective is to build a trusting relationship with them and let them realize through your communications of your expertise in the area they are seeking advice from you. Constantly find ways of adding value to the lives of those on your list and they will repay you in kind by trusting you and purchasing what you have to offer. Apply this strategy into your own marketing efforts and you will be able to have a much more profitable relationship with your web site visitors faster than you can say "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"

George Levy is an internationally recognized marketing expert responsible for helping businesses both large and small sell over $100 million dollars in the United States, Canada and 14 countries across Latin America. He is the developer of the Internet Salesmanship program and is known for his "Ruthless Truths" about online sales and making money on the web. To get instant, Free access to his Internet Salesmanship newsletter, Blog and his Free seven day web marketing course, visit: http://www.SynergyWebMarketing.comErin Blog95416
Ester Blog28908
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